Volunteer with us

Join the gang!

Urban farming: get involved

We hold regular gardening sessions every week! During that time we get up to all sorts– sowing seeds, planting seedlings, painting murals and signage, looking after the veg, planning events, as well as the more boring activities of rubbish clearing and weeding!

There are usually a minimum of 3 or 4 of us… and sometimes up to 10 on a good day!


Come and join us down at Edible Radford this January! Gardening sessions are every Tuesday and Friday, 10am-12pm at All Saints Church, Raleigh St NG7 4DP.

Everyone is welcome , no gardening experience is necessary,

Equipment is provided - gloves, hand tools etc.

Please wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty (or paint stained on days when we are painting!)

Come and get involved growing food for the community!

Drop us a message!

Want to come down and volunteer with us? Fill out the form here (or drop us a message!) and we’ll send you emails with updates on the gardening schedule - where we’ll be and when.